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Tips for Trade Show Success

Source:  Time:2016-08-12

As many of us know, Trade Shows can be a prime location to seal deals and make new connections. This is the first of a three part Tradeology blog series to help your business succeed at the next trade show. Stay tuned for part two.

At the Show

Anyone who has exhibited at one or more trade shows inevitably has a horror story to share: missing graphics, lost shipments, brochures lost in the mail, booths breaking during setup, etc.  While these are indeed terrible incidents, the real horror stories are those of companies from the United States traveling halfway around the world to exhibit at a trade show, spending $15,000 – $20,000 cash, plus countless employee hours…and then spending most of the show on their iPhone, or not taking the time after the show to properly follow-up on leads.

The good news is: these are preventable errors – this doesn’t have to be you!