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New developments on Bauma 2016 in all sections

Source:  Time:2016-08-12

For many building professionals it’s quite a challenge to keep track of all the tools, equipment and supplies: Who is using what, and where? Which items are due for a safety check or routine maintenance? And: What commodities or consumables need to be ordered next? To help answer these and similar questions quickly and easily, tool manufacturer Hilti has come up with a software system called ON!Track, which it will be presenting at bauma. Via an RFID-barcode scanner assets can be tagged and uniquely identified regardless of manufacturer. According to Hilti, the Cloud-based software ensures centralized and synchronous storage of data. The data can be called up at any time via a computer or on a smartphone. Hilti ON!Track has been in use by selected customers since the start of 2015, and since January this year it has been available across Germany.